Kestrel silk

Silk dancer and Sky pirate

Name: Kestrel Silk
True name: Unknown
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Sexuality: No preference
Height: 5'4
Race: Xaela, Au Ra
Tribe: Unknown
Birthplace: The Azim Steppe
Voice claim: Neytiri from Avatar
Notes: Upon being close enough, the fresh and pleasant smell of petrichor surrounds her as if she arrived just after a cleansing thunderstorm.

Easy hooks

  • Her scars are clear as day and quite curious, many tracing the borders of her scales in swirling patterns, anyone would be able to see these scars were made intentionally.

Medium hooks

  • Kestrel traveled the star under the name of Silk over many years, though she has been missing from the show scene for a couple of years. Do you recognize her? You may have seen one of her many silk dancing shows, containing graceful aerial acts.

  • Ask beforehand. As such with her silk acts, on the rare occasion she may have provided a private show under the right circumstances.

Hard hooks

  • Ask beforehand. Are you Xaela? Or have you simply spent time in the most hidden areas of the Azim Steppes? Then perhaps you have spotted Xaela Auri at night in finely crafted tribal garb showing skin covered in what appears to be ritual scarring very similar to her own.

  • Hello! I'm 28 years old and my time zone is CEST, because of the time zone I won't be around too late. I'm also pretty tired and calm.

  • I'm open to both walk ups and planning many sorts of RP, such as casual, mature, angst, and really anything under the sky. 21+ for heavier themes and please openly communicate if there are any issues under heavier themes.

  • ERP (21+) I'm open to it but it will have to be discussed a great deal.

  • I keep IC and OOC separated, as such please don't compare me to my character and if you're unable to, please don't approach me.